Wednesday, April 17, 2013

On Beauty

My love for Garance Doré knows no bounds.  Not only is she an amazing artist (that's her drawing above), but a thoughtful and funny woman.  She had a write-up about the difference between feeling and looking beautiful that I just loved.  The comments were the best, too.

So go over and take a gander.  I'd love to hear your take on the subject!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Horrible Humans

Yesterday was a tough day, wasn't it?  It reminds me (again) that the world is full of pretty horrible humans.  I say humans instead of people, because people wouldn't injure and kill other people.  People understand each and every one of us is an important part of a family, a circle of friends, a thriving system. People don't treat other people like disposable pawns or faceless, nameless victims.  People treat other people like they matter.

I don't think these horrible humans are in the majority, no way.  But I do think these horrible humans have the power to freak us out on a national level.  Fear is such a powerful tool and its use was in full effect yesterday.  It breaks my heart to remember the happenings in Boston are daily occurrences in some parts of the world.  But yesterday we heard about it because fear was in our neck of the woods.

The knee-jerk response is to fight back, isn't it?  That's not going to work, though.  That is what horrible humans want.  We need to reach out to one another and remember we are people.  We need to remember that horrible humans were people once, too.  They probably have people who love and care about them.  It this an immediate solution?  Of course not, but I do know it is the change we need to see in the world.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Music Monday

When Tame Impala's new album came out last year it was on constant repeat for a good two weeks.

It's the perfect "anytime" music, really.

Here's to a good week!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Thesis Defense Day!

All I really want to do is take a sheik-style Ruby nap right now,
but today I will be defending my thesis!

Link Love and Lovelies will be back next week!

Wish me luck!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

My Hair Spirit Animal

How amazing can this woman look?  While I know she can't be my face and body spirit animal (wouldn't THAT be nice!), I do think we share the same face shape and hair texture.  Of course, my hair is skewing a lot more grey as of late, but her perfectly messy, ombréd coif seems a good fit for me.
But HOW do you get that perfect bedhead??  The hair-gods want to know!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Music Monday: Bradford Cox

I can't tell you how excited I am for Bradford Cox's new project to come out.  He is psychotic and talented and sad and brilliant and tortured.  So essentially the perfect songwriter.  Here he covers Leonard Cohen, another sad and brilliant and tortured soul.

Here's to a week that flys by!  I defend my thesis on Friday...eek!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Link Love and Lovelies

Happy Friday!  I haven't been more glad to see a weekend in awhile!  Even though my weekend will be filled to the brim with school stuff, I don't care...this week was brutal.

Here's a clip of a new documentary about Marina Abramović.  I talked about her a few years ago when this installation was live.  This clip is one of the most powerful things I've seen on film.  Intense, I know!

Here's some links for your weekend!  Wish me luck and productivity!

~ He will be very missed. 

~ Into it

~ Everybody just needs to give Kim a damn break. 

~ Loving this attic remodel...and that hassock! 

~ Cute photo booth backdrop

~ LOVE. 

~ I've always wondered


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easing Through the Week...

If you haven't noticed, I've been trying to get my infernal checklist completed this week.  Let's just say it's been quite the challenge.  I've been trying to also let myself ease through the week by not putting too much pressure on myself in other aspects...ahem, like doing the dishes or laundry!

It feels a lot like a marathon I've been running nonstop for two years, now.  Not only am I exhausted, I am SO ready for the finish line!  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Little Escape

This is the cutest collection of commercials by Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola.

I'm in love with Léa Seydoux!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

To do.

Well, I think Spring has finally arrived!  Along with it comes a monumental checklist.  I thought I'd post it here to have a little more accountability in ticking things off the list!

  • Finish thesis presentation.
  • Finish THESIS!
  • Clean out my pantry.
  • Take the pups on more walks.
  • Finish my clinical rotation.
  • Finish leadership presentation.
  • Finish leadership paper.
  • Defend thesis.
  • Breathe.
Do you have a spring cleaning list?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Music Monday: The Rolling Stones


This weekend I had the opportunity to watch Crossfire Hurricane.  It's a great documentary about the Rolling Stones and the crazy rock star lives they have led.  After finishing the doc I came to a few conclusions:

~ Nothing beats a young Mick Jagger.
~ Keith Richards looked about 75 when he was 20, so he really has aged well when you think about it.
~ Being a rock star is tough work.
~ I don't listen to enough Stones.

So for music Monday here's one of my faves.  Here's to a good week!
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